Why Make AWhy Make a Eucharistic Pilgrimage?

A Journey TO Jesus

A pilgrimage is “the simultaneous movement of the feet and the soul”—a journey made both externally and internally. The pilgrim travels to a location of spiritual significance, stepping outside of themselves in order to encounter God in places where he has revealed himself. This action mirrors the interior journey of the pilgrim, who uses this experience to draw closer to Our Lord and seek him more intentionally.

The value of a pilgrimage is not in the distance traveled but in the disposition of our own hearts and the zeal with which we seek God. Many saints have had life-changing experiences while on pilgrimage, and the practice has been a part of Christianity from the beginning.

Pilgrims walking up a hill.
A Priest in a Eucharistic Procession

A Journey WITH Jesus

Jesus doesn’t want us to walk alone. At the Incarnation, Christ entered directly into our human experience, allowing him to accompany us through life in a more intimate way. But physically walking with Jesus is not a privilege restricted to Christians from the first century!

When Jesus gave us the gift of the Eucharist, he gave us a new way to walk alongside him. Catholicism now has a vibrant history of Eucharistic processions! In this tradition, the Eucharist is carried through the streets, accompanied by the faithful. We walk publicly with Our Lord so that others may encounter him personally, just as they did 2,000 years ago.

A Priest in a Eucharistic Procession
A Pilgrim starting their journey.

What Is a Eucharistic Pilgrimage?

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is a truly unique initiative. This is something NEW—a beautiful fusion of the journey TO Jesus and the journey WITH Jesus. What’s more, it is an adventure that all Catholics can do together, either by interior disposition or physical accompaniment.

This is the birth of something remarkable. Join us as we accompany Jesus in the Eucharist from the north, south, east, and west edges of our country, stopping at many holy sites and churches along the way. Together we will journey with Christ on his way to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, where he comes to encounter his people anew.

Happy pilgrims
The Pilgrimage will be a powerful, once-in-a-lifetime witness of how Jesus Christ comes close to us and invites all to encounter him in the Eucharist.

Why Join Us?

We know travel is difficult, but that is what makes pilgrimages so sanctifying! Pilgrims will undertake this life-changing journey both as an act of reverence for the Blessed Sacrament and to witness publicly that Jesus is a King worth following.

How to Get Involved

Are you ready to encounter Jesus in a new way? Let’s make history together! Here are three ways you can be a part of the first-ever National Eucharistic Pilgrimage:


Join the Eucharistic Caravan

Accompany Jesus for a segment of the Pilgrimage or meet up with him at events held by local parishes and shrines along the routes! We expect around 100,000 Catholics to join us in this massive witness to our love of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Please note: for safety reasons, only certain segments of the Pilgrimage will be open to the public and preregistration is required. Browse the map to see where the public is invited to participate and RSVP to join us!


Make Your Own Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Explore the holy places of your own diocese, town, or parish, adoring the Eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ in your own backyard. Click below to find out how to make a self-led Eucharistic pilgrimage.


Accompany Us in Prayer

If you are unable to meet up with one of the main routes or make a self-led Eucharistic pilgrimage—join us in prayer that our nation encounters our Lord powerfully as he journeys to be near to us in this remarkable new way!