About the Pilgrimage

Pilgrims walking down the street.

Follow Me

Thousands followed Christ throughout his earthly ministry. Since his Resurrection, countless Christians have traveled to holy sites in order to connect concretely with places where heaven and earth have touched. 

While pilgrimages have a long legacy within the Church, this is the first undertaken at such a scale—walking coast-to-coast with Our Eucharistic Lord! Click below to find out more about this tradition and the fruits of making a pilgrimage yourself.

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Who Is Involved?

A priest processing through a city street with Jesus in a monstrance.

Jesus Christ

Jesus will be the focus of the entire pilgrimage! Join us for segments of this massive expedition across the nation, physically walking side-by-side with our Risen Lord.
Pilgrims walking along a path.

Perpetual Pilgrims

A small, dedicated group of young adults will make the full journey to Indianapolis, traveling full-time from May 2024 until July. They will be led by clergy and followed by a support van.
A group of people praying at a pilgrimage event.

Eucharistic Caravan

Those who meet up with the Pilgrimage and register to walk with us for a public segment of one of the four routes—the Marian route, the Seton route, the Juan Diego route, or the Serra route—are part of our Eucharistic Caravan.
Pilgrims entering a home.

Our Gracious Hosts

Our Perpetual Pilgrims will rely on the biblical hospitality of local hosts, including lay families, parishes, religious orders, schools, and shrines along the way.

A Week in the Life

Curious what the Pilgrimage will be like? Here is a sneak peek into the average week in the life of a Eucharistic pilgrim.

Pilgrims looking at the altar.


We will begin the Lord’s Day with Mass at a Cathedral or other major church in the host diocese. Following Mass, everyone is invited to take part in a solemn Eucharistic procession akin to Corpus Christi feast day processions. Perpetual Pilgrims and chaplains will then continue walking along the Pilgrimage route to the next city. 

Depending on the next stopping location, there may be an evening event such as Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, or a talk with a Eucharistic theme. Then, the Perpetual Pilgrims and chaplains will retire for the night, housed by generous local hosts.

Pilgrims sitting in church pews


Every weekday will include Mass, usually in the morning. Then we will carry Our Lord through the streets near the church in a short Eucharistic procession of a mile or less, closing in prayer. After this, Perpetual Pilgrims, chaplains, and anyone who has registered to join the Eucharistic Caravan that day will continue on the road. 

Certain segments of the Pilgrimage may not be open to the public for safety reasons, so be sure to check the route page for updates on where you can participate in the Eucharistic Caravan! We will stop for lunch and rest. Some days will include driving, particularly on the longer routes and in harsh weather conditions. 

The day will end with an evening event hosted by a parish, shrine, religious order, etc. This event will be an opportunity to encounter Jesus in a special way as he passes by! At the end of the night, Perpetual Pilgrims and chaplains will once again be housed by generous hosts.

People serving food to the poor.


This is not a travel day. Perpetual Pilgrims will stay with the same hosts Friday and Saturday nights in order to recuperate from the week. But that doesn’t mean nothing will happen on Saturdays! 

Saturday is about stepping into our identity as the Body of Christ—being his hands and feet in service of the community. Perpetual Pilgrims will exercise the Corporal Works of Mercy during the day, participating in a service project. Most Saturdays will not have evening events, giving everyone the opportunity to rest.

Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.
(The Cross stands steady while the world turns)
Carthusian Motto

Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.

The Cross stands steady while the world turns.

Carthusian Motto

At the Center

The celebration of the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith because through this gift we encounter Jesus Christ himself. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection are made present before our very eyes—albeit in a veiled way. This sacrifice is the source of our hope, the summit of salvation history, and the steady axis around which the world turns.

As an extension of this truth, the celebration of the Mass will be central to the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. We will have Mass at every stop, worshiping and receiving Our Lord together with locals we meet along the way. We pray that through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ will draw us into greater unity as a people, as a nation, and as a Church.

Eucharistic Procession Booklet

This printable resource contains prayers, responses, music, and Eucharistic Stations that may be used in procession. Download the booklet straight to your phone, or print it out to carry with you as you participate in the Pilgrimage!

The Destination

All Roads Led to Indianapolis Where We Reconsecrated the Heart of Our Nation

On July 16, 2024, all four branches of this historic Pilgrimage converged in Indianapolis for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress—a milestone within the Revival and a historic moment for the Church in the U.S.

The reinstitution of this legacy gathered our Catholic family for a transformative experience that will bear fruit for generations to come. Learn more about this monumental outpouring of grace!

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Jesus arrives on day 1 at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress.